Definition Type: Element
Name: ChkSum
Type: hexBinary:
Containing Schema: IRtypes.xsd
MinOccurs (1)
MaxOccurs (1)
Abstract False
Check sum including all data Objects in the Data Set  Checksum is calculated over the ENTIRE XML file ready to send using the value string  "0" as ChkSum value. After calculating the checksum the resulting value is written into the ChkSum tag thereby replacing the "0" string. Thereafter the Data Set is issued. Interpretation is done in reverse order also using "0" as a defined value of the ChkSum tag for checksum validation. The algorithm is: CRC32
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
XSD Diagram of ChkSum
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<xsd:element name="ChkSum" type="xsd:hexBinary">
        <xsd:documentation>Check sum including all data Objects in the Data Set  Checksum is calculated over the ENTIRE XML file ready to send using the value string  "0" as ChkSum value. After calculating the checksum the resulting value is written into the ChkSum tag thereby replacing the "0" string. Thereafter the Data Set is issued. Interpretation is done in reverse order also using "0" as a defined value of the ChkSum tag for checksum validation. The algorithm is: CRC32</xsd:documentation>