Definition Type: Element
Type: IR:IRpQualGenType
Containing Schema: DrillRig.xsd
Abstract False
IREDES Drill Rig Measurement-While-Drilling Reporting
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
Drilldown into DRMWDDownwCompat Drilldown into DRMWDVersion Drilldown into GenTrailer Drilldown into CompactMWDdata Drilldown into DetailedMWDdata Drilldown into SampleDistance Drilldown into QualityReportIdRef Drilldown into PositionQuality Drilldown into ReferenceData Drilldown into MWDHoleName Drilldown into MWDHoleId Drilldown into PlanNameRef Drilldown into PlanIdRef Drilldown into OperatorId Drilldown into Comment Drilldown into EndLogTime Drilldown into StartLogTime Drilldown into ReportId Drilldown into IRDownwCompat Drilldown into IRVersion Drilldown into SiteHead Drilldown into GenHead Drilldown into IREDESType Drilldown into IRpQualGenTypeXSD Diagram of DRMWD
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<xsd:element name="DRMWD">
        <xsd:documentation>IREDES Drill Rig Measurement-While-Drilling Reporting</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:extension base="IR:IRpQualGenType">
                    <xsd:element name="MWDHoleId" type="DRHoleID">
                            <xsd:documentation>Hole ID code in MWD.  To uniquely identify each hole in the MWD log. This ID is identical to drill plan HoleID if drillplan exists.</xsd:documentation>
                    <xsd:element name="MWDHoleName" type="IR:IRtextShort" minOccurs="0">
                            <xsd:documentation>Hole name in MWD.  To  identify each hole in the MWD log. This name is identical to drill plan HoleName if drillplan exists.</xsd:documentation>
                    <xsd:element name="ReferenceData" type="DRrefType" minOccurs="0">
                            <xsd:documentation>Quality reference data; Matches the corresponding DRPLrefData object if IREDES Drill Plan is used.</xsd:documentation>
                    <xsd:element name="PositionQuality" minOccurs="0">
                            <xsd:documentation>Local position used that is: position of face (tunneling) or position of the plan (mining)</xsd:documentation>
                                <xsd:extension base="DRpositionType">
                                        <xsd:element name="SetUpType" type="IR:IRtextShort">
                                                <xsd:documentation>Type of setup used. Laser line, Spatial laser, Manual aiming, External  Nav. System, ... Until further notice this is free text. In a future release this may be changed to enumerations</xsd:documentation>
                    <xsd:element name="QualityReportIdRef" type="IR:IRtext" minOccurs="0">
                            <xsd:documentation>Reference to quality report ID if the MWD report relates to a quality report.</xsd:documentation>
                    <xsd:element name="SampleDistance" minOccurs="0">
                            <xsd:documentation>Hole distance between every MWD sample.   UNIT: Meter</xsd:documentation>
                            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float">
                                <xsd:minInclusive value="0.000" />
                        <xsd:element name="DetailedMWDdata" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                <xsd:documentation>Hole MWD data list. This is the detailed version of the MWD data list with all data labled as discrete elements. This version generates a large data-set and requires large amount of memory.</xsd:documentation>
                                    <xsd:element name="TimeTag" type="xsd:dateTime">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Time tag for recording of data</xsd:documentation>
                                    <xsd:element name="LengthTag" type="DRDepthTag">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Hole depth tag for recording of data UNIT: meter Internal tag to be used as relative reference only. May not be used for external coordiante system reference. </xsd:documentation>
                                    <xsd:element name="PenetrRate" type="IR:IRvelocity" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Momentanious penetration rate defined as progess of the drill bit in the rock. UNIT: meter/s</xsd:documentation>
                                    <xsd:element name="PercPressure" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Percussion pressure UNIT: bar Value is dependent of equipment type and manufacturer.</xsd:documentation>
                                            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float">
                                                <xsd:minInclusive value="0.000" />
                                    <xsd:element name="FeedPressure" type="xsd:float" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Feed pressure unit: barValue is dependent of equipment type and manufacturer.</xsd:documentation>
                                    <xsd:element name="DampPressure" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Dampening pressure UNIT: bar Value is dependent of equipment type and manufacturer.</xsd:documentation>
                                            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float">
                                                <xsd:minInclusive value="0.000" />
                                    <xsd:element name="RotSpeed" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Rotation speed UNIT: rpm Value is dependent of equipment type and manufacturer.</xsd:documentation>
                                            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float">
                                                <xsd:minInclusive value="0.000" />
                                    <xsd:element name="RotFlow" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Rotation oil flow UNIT: liter / minute Value is dependent of equipment type and manufacturer.</xsd:documentation>
                                            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float">
                                                <xsd:minInclusive value="0.000" />
                                    <xsd:element name="RotPressure" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Rotation pressure UNIT: bar Value is dependent of equipment type and manufacturer.</xsd:documentation>
                                            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float">
                                                <xsd:minInclusive value="0.000" />
                                    <xsd:element name="FlushFlow" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Flush air/water flow UNIT: liter / minute Value is dependent of equipment type and manufacturer.</xsd:documentation>
                                            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float">
                                                <xsd:minInclusive value="0.000" />
                                    <xsd:element name="FlushPressure" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Flush air/water pressure UNIT: bar Value is dependent of equipment type and manufacturer.</xsd:documentation>
                                            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float">
                                                <xsd:minInclusive value="0.000" />
                                    <xsd:element name="FeedVibrationX" type="xsd:float" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Feed vibration level parallell to the feed. UNIT: m/sec2 </xsd:documentation>
                                    <xsd:element name="FeedVibrationY" type="xsd:float" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Feed vibration level tangetiell to the feed. UNIT: m/sec2 </xsd:documentation>
                                    <xsd:element name="FeedVibrationZ" type="xsd:float" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Feed vibration level normal to the feed. UNIT: m/sec2 </xsd:documentation>
                                    <xsd:element name="RockDrillVibrationX" type="xsd:float" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>RockDrill vibration level parallell to the feed. UNIT: m/sec2 </xsd:documentation>
                                    <xsd:element name="RockDrillVibrationY" type="xsd:float" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>RockDrill vibration level tangetiell to the feed. UNIT: m/sec2 </xsd:documentation>
                                    <xsd:element name="RockDrillVibrationZ" type="xsd:float" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>RockDrill vibration level normal to the feed. UNIT: m/sec2 </xsd:documentation>
                                    <xsd:element name="WaterPowUsage" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Power used by water pumps UNIT: watt</xsd:documentation>
                                            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float">
                                                <xsd:minInclusive value="0.000" />
                                    <xsd:element name="HydraulPowUsage" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Power used by hydraulic oil pumps UNIT: watt</xsd:documentation>
                                            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float">
                                                <xsd:minInclusive value="0.000" />
                                    <xsd:element name="TotPowUsage" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Total power used by drill rig UNIT: Watt</xsd:documentation>
                                            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float">
                                                <xsd:minInclusive value="0.000" />
                                    <xsd:element name="DRMWDoption" type="IR:IRoptionType" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Specific data depending of manufacturer and equipment</xsd:documentation>
                                    <xsd:element name="FeedForce" type="xsd:float" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Feed force to be reported in kN</xsd:documentation>
                        <xsd:element name="CompactMWDdata">
                                <xsd:documentation>Hole MWD data list. This is the compact version of the MWD data list without discrete data elements. This version generates a small data-set and requires less amount of memory. For more information see "IREDES Drill Rig profile description" document.</xsd:documentation>
                                    <xsd:element name="MWDparams">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Parameter declaration list. This list includes all the sampled MWD parameters included in the Sample list to follow. The order of declared parameters is the same as the order in each sample. </xsd:documentation>
                                                <xsd:element name="Parameter" maxOccurs="30">
                                                        <xsd:documentation>Declaration of parameters names including unit and full name as attributes. Only parameters defined in the "DetailedMWDdata" element are valid.</xsd:documentation>
                                                            <xsd:extension base="IR:IRtextShort">
                                                                <xsd:attribute name="Unit" type="IR:IRtextShort" use="required" />
                                                                <xsd:attribute name="Full" type="IR:IRtextShort" use="optional" />
                                    <xsd:element name="Sample" maxOccurs="5000">
                                            <xsd:documentation>Measurement Sample data</xsd:documentation>
                                                <xsd:element name="Val" type="IR:IRtextLong">
                                                        <xsd:documentation>Sample data in order as declared in MWDparams, including TimeTag and Depth as attributes. Data is presented in string format and separated by space chr. Only data for parameters defined in the "MWDparams" element are included.</xsd:documentation>
                    <xsd:element ref="IR:GenTrailer" />
                <xsd:attribute name="DRMWDVersion" type="IR:IRversion" fixed="V 1.3" use="required" />
                <xsd:attribute name="DRMWDDownwCompat" type="IR:IRversion" fixed="V 1.2" use="required" />
Collapse Child Elements:
Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs
GenHead IR:GenHead (1) (1)
SiteHead IR:SiteHead 0 (1)
ReportId IR:ReportId (1) (1)
StartLogTime IR:StartLogTime (1) (1)
EndLogTime IR:EndLogTime (1) (1)
Comment IR:Comment 0 8
OperatorId IR:OperatorId 0 (1)
PlanIdRef IR:PlanIdRef 0 (1)
PlanNameRef IR:PlanNameRef 0 (1)
MWDHoleId DR:MWDHoleId (1) (1)
MWDHoleName DR:MWDHoleName 0 (1)
ReferenceData DR:ReferenceData 0 (1)
PositionQuality DR:PositionQuality 0 (1)
QualityReportIdRef DR:QualityReportIdRef 0 (1)
SampleDistance DR:SampleDistance 0 (1)
DetailedMWDdata DR:DetailedMWDdata (1) unbounded
CompactMWDdata DR:CompactMWDdata (1) (1)
GenTrailer IR:GenTrailer (1) (1)
Collapse Child Attributes:
Name Type Default Value Use
IRVersion IR:IRVersion Required
IRDownwCompat IR:IRDownwCompat Required
DRMWDVersion DR:DRMWDVersion Required
DRMWDDownwCompat DR:DRMWDDownwCompat Required
Collapse Derivation Tree: