Definition Type: ComplexType
Name: IRdrillPlanBaseType
Containing Schema: IRappBaseClasses.xsd
Abstract False
Drill plan Id data type
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
Drilldown into DrillPlanRightWidth Drilldown into DrillPlanLeftWidth Drilldown into DrillPlanType Drilldown into DrillPlanIdXSD Diagram of IRdrillPlanBaseType
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<xsd:complexType name="IRdrillPlanBaseType">
        <xsd:documentation>Drill plan Id data type</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:element name="DrillPlanId" type="IRtextShort">
                <xsd:documentation>A drill plan Id which points to a DRPPlan(IREDES Drill Rig Production Plan)</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:element name="DrillPlanType" type="IRtextShort" minOccurs="0">
                <xsd:documentation>Type of drill plan (Bolt, Injection, Cut etc.)</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:element name="DrillPlanLeftWidth" minOccurs="0">
                <xsd:documentation>Distance from PointCoord to the left most coordinate of the Contour, regarded from tunnel direction. For graphic presentation purpose</xsd:documentation>
                <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float">
                    <xsd:minInclusive value="0.000" />
        <xsd:element name="DrillPlanRightWidth" minOccurs="0">
                <xsd:documentation>Distance from PointCoord to the right most coordinate of the Contour, regarded from tunnel direction. For graphic presentation purpose</xsd:documentation>
                <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float">
                    <xsd:minInclusive value="0.000" />
Collapse Child Elements:
Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs
DrillPlanId IR:DrillPlanId (1) (1)
DrillPlanType IR:DrillPlanType 0 (1)
DrillPlanLeftWidth IR:DrillPlanLeftWidth 0 (1)
DrillPlanRightWidth IR:DrillPlanRightWidth 0 (1)
Collapse Derivation Tree:
Collapse References: