Definition Type: Element
Name: IRLTPlan
Type: IR:IRplanGenType
Containing Schema: LHDTrucks.xsd
Abstract False
LHD Production Plan
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
Drilldown into LTPlanDownwCompat Drilldown into LTPlanVersion Drilldown into GenTrailer Drilldown into WorkOrder Drilldown into Project Drilldown into Comment Drilldown into PlanName Drilldown into PlanId Drilldown into IRDownwCompat Drilldown into IRVersion Drilldown into SiteHead Drilldown into GenHead Drilldown into IREDESType Drilldown into IRplanGenTypeXSD Diagram of IRLTPlan
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<xsd:element name="IRLTPlan">
        <xsd:documentation>LHD Production Plan</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:extension base="IR:IRplanGenType">
                    <xsd:element ref="IR:GenTrailer">
                            <xsd:documentation>General IREDES Trailer Object to secure data traffice and for closing the data set.</xsd:documentation>
                <xsd:attribute name="LTPlanVersion" type="IR:IRversion" use="required" fixed="V 1.0">
                        <xsd:documentation>Version tag for the version of the Drill Rigs Equipment Profile. Note that this version may differ from the IREDES general version tag in the GenHead object! The implementation has to take care of being able to interpret this equipment profile version.</xsd:documentation>
                <xsd:attribute name="LTPlanDownwCompat" type="IR:IRversion" use="required" fixed="V 1.0">
                        <xsd:documentation>Downward compatibility of the profile version stated in "version" can be guaranteed down to the version number stated in this attribute. Please note that interpreting a newer profile with an old processing software may result in data loss as additional parameters cannot be interpreted! 

When a new version cannot be marked downward compatible due to changes in Content definitions, changes in structure or removal of mandatory tags the "DownwCompat" attribute contains the same version number as stated in the "version" attribute above.

Downward compatibility may only be activated if:
- Optional elements have been removed from the schema
- New additional elements have been added to a newer schema version.</xsd:documentation>
Collapse Child Elements:
Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs
GenHead IR:GenHead (1) (1)
SiteHead IR:SiteHead 0 (1)
PlanId IR:PlanId (1) (1)
PlanName IR:PlanName 0 (1)
Comment IR:Comment 0 8
Project IR:Project 0 (1)
WorkOrder IR:WorkOrder 0 (1)
GenTrailer IR:GenTrailer (1) (1)
Collapse Child Attributes:
Name Type Default Value Use
IRVersion IR:IRVersion Required
IRDownwCompat IR:IRDownwCompat Required
LTPlanVersion LT:LTPlanVersion Required
LTPlanDownwCompat LT:LTPlanDownwCompat Required
Collapse Derivation Tree: