Definition Type: SimpleType
Name: IRtext
Containing Schema: IRtypes.xsd
Text data type for comments or text information provided in the standard. Comments may use 1-n instances of this IRtext element. Each single element in the comment then represents one line ready to display. White spaces are preserved so simple whitespace based formatting is kept.
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
XSD Diagram of IRtext
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<xsd:simpleType name="IRtext">
        <xsd:documentation>Text data type for comments or text information provided in the standard. Comments may use 1-n instances of this IRtext element. Each single element in the comment then represents one line ready to display. White spaces are preserved so simple whitespace based formatting is kept.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
        <xsd:whiteSpace value="preserve" />
        <xsd:minLength value="0" />
        <xsd:maxLength value="64" />
Collapse Derivation Tree:
Collapse References:
IR:AckFlag, IR:Answer, nsB:Comment, nsB:Comments, nsB:Comments, IR:ConnectedMine, DR:DelayCode, nsB:DeliveryID, nsB:DeliveryID, DR:DrillRigId, DR:DrillRigId, IR:EqpName, IR:EqpSerNo, IR:extra, DR:FixPointID, IR:Issuer, nsB:LineIdRef, DR:LineIdRef, LT:LTPPLdrawPtN, LT:LTPPLdumpPtN, LT:LTPPMaction, LT:LTPPMopID, LT:LTPPMpayldQ, LT:LTPPMptFromN, LT:LTPPMptFromType, LT:LTPPMptToN, LT:LTPPMptToTypeIR:machineId, DR:MachineState, DR:MachineState, nsB:Manufacturer, nsB:Manufacturer, nsB:Manufacturer, nsB:Manufacturer, DR:NewPartNumber, DR:OldPartNumber, nsB:Operator, nsB:Operator, IR:operatorId, DR:OperatorId, DR:OperatorLogin, nsB:PartNo, nsB:PartNo, IR:PlanId, nsB:PlanIdRef, IR:PlanIdRef, DR:PlanIdRef, IR:PlanName, IR:PlanNameRef, nsB:PositionId, DR:PositionId, nsB:PositionName, DR:PositionName, nsB:PrimerType, nsB:ProductID, nsB:ProductText, nsB:ProductText, nsB:ProductText, IR:Project, DR:QualityReportIdRef, nsB:RecipeName, IR:ReportId, IR:ReportId, IR:ReportId, IR:ReportId, IR:ReportId, DR:ScreenSize, DR:ScreenType, nsB:SerialNo, nsB:SerialNo, nsB:SerialNumber, IR:Signature, DR:Type, nsB:Type, IR:WorkOrder, IR:WorkOrderId, IR:WorkOrderType,