Definition Type: Element
Name: LineSegType
Type: IR:IRtextShort
Containing Schema: DrillRig.xsd
MinOccurs (1)
MaxOccurs (1)
Abstract False
ContentType Restriction
A line segment of the contour can be one of the following type; Wall, Bottom, Top. The type refers to the segnent énding in this point.
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
XSD Diagram of LineSegType
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<xsd:element name="LineSegType">
        <xsd:documentation>A line segment of the contour can be one of the following type; Wall, Bottom, Top. The type refers to the segnent énding in this point.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:restriction base="IR:IRtextShort">
            <xsd:enumeration value="Wall" />
            <xsd:enumeration value="Bottom" />
            <xsd:enumeration value="Top" />
Collapse Derivation Tree: