Definition Type: Element
Name: locator
Type: g:locator.type
Containing Schema: graphml-structure.xsd
Abstract False
Description: Graphs and nodes are declared by the elements
             <graph> and <node>, respectively. The optional
             <locator>-child of these elements point to 
             their definition. (If there is no <locator>-child
             the graphs/nodes are defined by their content).
Occurence:   <graph>, and <node>.
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
Drilldown into type Drilldown into href Drilldown into common.extra.attrib Drilldown into locator.extra.attrib Drilldown into locator.typeXSD Diagram of locator
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<xs:element name="locator" type="locator.type" block="#all">
        <xs:documentation source="" xml:lang="en">
           Description: Graphs and nodes are declared by the elements
                        &lt;graph&gt; and &lt;node&gt;, respectively. The optional
                        &lt;locator&gt;-child of these elements point to 
                        their definition. (If there is no &lt;locator&gt;-child
                        the graphs/nodes are defined by their content).
           Occurence:   &lt;graph&gt;, and &lt;node&gt;. 
Collapse Child Attributes:
Name Type Default Value Use
href xlink:href Required
type xlink:type (Optional)
Collapse Derivation Tree: