Definition Type: Element
Name: port
Type: g:port.type
Containing Schema: graphml-structure.xsd
Abstract False
Description: Nodes may be structured by ports; thus edges
             are not only attached to a node but to a certain
             port in this node.
Occurence: <node>, <port>.
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
Drilldown into name Drilldown into common.extra.attrib Drilldown into port.extra.attrib Drilldown into port Drilldown into data Drilldown into desc Drilldown into port.typeXSD Diagram of port
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<xs:element name="port" type="port.type" block="#all">
        <xs:documentation source="" xml:lang="en">
           Description: Nodes may be structured by ports; thus edges
                        are not only attached to a node but to a certain
                        port in this node.
           Occurence: &lt;node&gt;, &lt;port&gt;. 
    <xs:unique name="port_data_key_unique">
            <xs:documentation source="" xml:lang="en">
        Ensures: uniqueness of the key attributes of &lt;data&gt; children
                 of this &lt;port&gt; element.
        <xs:selector xpath="./g:data" />
        <xs:field xpath="@key" />
Collapse Child Elements:
Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs
desc g:desc 0 (1)
data g:data (1) (1)
port g:port (1) (1)
Collapse Child Attributes:
Name Type Default Value Use
name g:name Required
Collapse Derivation Tree: