
The “International Rock Excavation Data Exchange Standard” (IREDES) makes mining equipment and underground worksite computers talk to central IT systems. Within a real-time process optimized mining environment, IREDES thereby conforms the standardized electronic language used by all the computers to talk to each other.

The standard is easy to integrate, efficient and logic as it bases on predefined XML schemas widely used throughout the Internet. Profiles for electronic work plans and production reports are in use for drill rigs, LHD’s, trucks, explosives chargers and shotcreting machines as well as for tracking.

Currently, We are working on version 2.0 of our standard. This willcover work orders,messaging and maintenance information among others.

By this concept, IREDES enables the easy integration of the heterogenuous world of automation, mobile machines, ventilation and any other information in order to allow an efficient real time management and optimization of the ongoing production process. IREDES enables this integration without spending large amounts for development of individual interfaces.

The IREDES standard is set up by organizations from all over the world to meet the local requirements of any machine user. This is a precondition to make equipment usable globally and to use unified information from local mining sites for enterprise level decision finding in globally operating mining companies.

IREDES is a global non profit initiative founded by major players in the mining and construction industry for development and maintenance of a practice related standard. It is jointly financed by the members on a cost sharing basis.

The standard documents are open to the public. They are accessible free of charge for any IREDES member. Non-members can purchase the documents from the IREDES office for a small contribution to the standardization work.

If your organization would like to get involved in this work at the leading edge of mining and construction technology, join now!